Reception of Training Tower


General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations, has the quality of Project Partener, within JOINT VOLUNTEERING FOR A SAFER LIFE – code e-MS ROBG 332  project, in partnership with the Municipality of Tutrakan (Bulgaria) – Project leader, Directorate General Fire Safety and Civil Protection (DGFSCP)  – Ministry of the Interior, Bulgaria– Project Partner and National Association of Volunteers in the Republic of Bulgaria – Project Partner.

The project is funded by the European Union by the European Fund for Regional Development in the Interreg VA-Romania Program Bulgaria, Axis Priority 3.1: A safe region.

Total value of the project is: 998,815.75 euro, from which:

– 848,993.36 euro non-refundable value of the FEDR, representing 85%;

– 129,836.11 euro co-financing of the national budget, representing a maximum of 13%;

– 19.986.28 euro contribution of partners.

Within the activity, Supply of specialized equipment, at the beginning of September 2021, the delivery and set up of the Training Tower was carried out at Inspectorate for Emergency Situations of Constanta county.

The training tower is intended for the training of operational staff within the emergency professionals services, volunteers working in the framework units subordinated to the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations, joint training with external partners, as well as conducting professional competitions.

The implementation period of the project is 45 months of respect 12.09.2018-11.06.2022.